Tarot Card Meaning (Upright and Reversed): 2 Two of pentacles as feelings, as advice, in a love reading

2 of pentacles as feelings

The two of pentacles indicates a person who’s juggling between two or more options. There is a need to find stability in life.

This person feels like life has never been messier for them. This may be due to confusion, indecision, or lack of knowledge.

Let’s study the meaning of two of pentacles as feelings and advice in a love reading.

In particular, in our discussion of this card’s meaning, we will focus on the following bullet points:

  1. The two of pentacles as feelings
  2. The two of pentacles as advice
  3. The two of pentacles in a love reading 
  4. The two of pentacles reversed tarot card meaning
  5. The two of pentacles reversed as feelings
  6. The two of pentacles reversed love

Let’s discuss each of these in detail:

two of pentacles as feelings

The Two Of Pentacles As Feelings

As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, the two of pentacles as feelings is about indecisiveness.

Or, this card can also talk about multitasking.

In a conflict, this card indicates a person struggling to see the other side of the situation.

Their life feels tumultuous. They are tired. They most likely don’t understand what they need to do in this situation.

Depending on the surrounding cards, this card can also indicate a person struggling to manage day-to-day stresses.

Only you know what is going on in your life and how to deal with it.

Are you avoiding a difficult decision? What information do you need to make this decision? Who can you ask for advice? What can you do to get in touch with your higher self?

If it were a friend in this situation, what would you want them to do. Take some time to think about it.

The Two Of Pentacles As Advice

As an advice card, the two of pentacles talks about balance. It’s okay to not know the answers you need.

But, you do need to brainstorm and figure out different ways to handle this situation. Since this card belongs to the suit of pentacles, the advice is also to find what brings more stability in your life.

You may be an individual who likes to go with the flow of life. You cannot let life take you where it wants and worry about what might happen. Not making a choice is also a choice. Inaction is also an action.

The Two Of Pentacles In A Love Reading

In a love reading, this card indicates an individual juggling between two things- two individuals, or personal life and work.

This card can also indicate internal struggles that your partner is dealing with right now. 

In a long-term relationship, this may be a conflict between the partners about what they want for their future. They both need to figure out what stability means to them.

This card doesn’t talk about compromises. It is not about standing your ground either. The two of pentacles in a love reading is just about needing more information to make an informed decision.

Most of the time though, we know what we are doing and what we need to do. We are just scared of the consequences that our decision may lead to. So, we avoid making it which has consequences of its own.

It’s always best to do what you can do and let fate decide the rest.

two of pentacles reversed tarot card meaning

The Two Of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

In the reversed position, the two of pentacles talks about a situation that is out of your control.

You don’t need to worry about what you can’t control. If the situation were in your hands, you would know what to do.

But, that’s not the case, is it? The two of pentacles reversed is also about stalling. In this context, you already know what you need to do.

You just don’t want to do it. You can’t avoid the truth. Why try? Why not fight for what you believe in? It’ll only do you good.

Now that we have discussed the two of pentacles reversed tarot card meaning, let’s now move on to the love message this card has for you.

The Two Of Pentacles Reversed As Feelings

The two of pentacles reversed is about feeling overwhelmed. You are likely stuck in a situation you don’t want to be in and don’t know how to get out of it. It’s not your fault, though.

Sometimes, life happens. You need to take some time off to think clearly about this situation.

It’s not going to resolve itself in a day anyway. You might as well take a break.

The Two Of Pentacles Reversed Love

In a love reading, the two of pentacles reversed is about an indecisive individual.

You and your partner have reached an impasse. You both need to take a break so you can think clearly about this situation.

Without a clear vision of where you both want this relationship to go, things will not resolve.

I understand that this is not easy. But, is love ever easy to have? Why not fight for it? Okay!

We have discussed the two of pentacles upright and reversed as feelings, advice, and in a love reading. I hope you now know what you need to do in the situation you are stuck in/juggling.

You clearly don’t want to be in this situation. Why not try getting out of it?